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Olympics Is Now Lonelympics As Athletes Are To Drink Alone & Abstain From Sex

Tokyo Olympics safety rules

The commencement of Tokyo Olympics on 23rd July 2021 is drawing near, and the Olympic Committee has announced several safety rules to ensure that the world’s largest sporting event doesn’t become a global superspreader event.

Athletes are to drink alone in their own rooms

tokyo olympics safety rules - olympic village
Image adapted from: @Tokyo2020

There will be no sale of alcohol at the Olympic Village in the upcoming Games, but athletes are still allowed to bring their own drinks. 

tokyo olympics safety rules - athlete room
Athlete’s room at the Olympic Village
Image adapted from: @Tokyo2020

However, the committee announced on 20th June 2021 that athletes cannot drink in public spaces at the Olympic Village. Instead, they’re to keep their drinking sesh to the confines of their own rooms and enjoy it as a solo activity.

Special Olympics souvenir: condoms

For the past editions of the Games, there’s a tradition of athletes having “fun” at night at the Olympic Village. To ensure that the athletes are adequately protected, the Olympic Committee usually provides condoms for them to use.

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Image credit: Dainis Graveris

However, the nights will be quieter this summer as such nocturnal wrestling will be banned. Instead, the condoms will be distributed to the athletes after the Games, before they depart for their home countries.

usain bolt 2008 win olympics
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Besides abstaining from sex, the athletes also need to follow a list of social distancing rules. This includes not holding parties or gatherings, not hugging other athletes, and generally ensuring that physical contact is minimised as much as possible.

Daily reminders for the athletes

tokyo olympic mascot with rings
Image credit: @Tokyo2020

The committee also mentioned that athletes will be reminded of these COVID-19 distancing rules during their daily morning meetings. If one is caught breaching the aforementioned safety rules, they will be subjected to possible fines and other penalties.

Tokyo Olympics sets safety rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Organising the biggest sporting event during the pandemic is no easy feat. Though general sentiment towards the 2021 Olympics remains antagonistic, we’re at least relieved to see rules being implemented to protect both the athletes and the world. Hopefully, nothing will go wrong during the 17-day event.

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Cover image adapted from: @Tokyo2020 and Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition