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Tokyo Vending Machine Sells Love In A Can For ¥3,000, Available In Mar 2022

Tokyo love vending machine 

Forget Tinder – there’s a new vending machine in Tokyo Kamata that sells love in a can for ¥3,000 (~USD25.89). Japan has many quirky and unique vending machines, but this might just top the list. 

Vending machine in Tokyo sells love

Hidden behind the usual drink vending machines in the Kamata neighborhood lies a cute pink vending machine that sells love in a can. More accurately, the cans contain information of individuals looking for a serious relationship. 

Tokyo love vending machine - vending machine visual
Image adapted from: @K_uber_stock

There are two types of cans – the pink ones represent women seeking love, while the beige ones represent men. The individuals’ ages are indicated on the can. 

Each can sells for ¥3,000 (~USD25.89), and it is up to you to discern whether that is a reasonable price for a shot at love.

Love vending machines by Matching Advisor Press 

The love vending machines are managed by a matchmaking service company called Matching Advisor Press (MAP). 

Tokyo love vending machine - matching advisor press
Image credit: @kumonnojuza

Purchasing one of the cans will not land you a date immediately. Rather, it’ll net you a one-hour meeting with an advisor from MAP. 

Tokyo love vending machine - map advisor
Image credit: @K_uber_stock

Through the meeting, the MAP advisor can then gauge whether you are compatible with your chosen one before setting the two of you up for a date. Once you are deemed suitable, you will be able to go on a three-hour dinner date that the advisor will arrange for you. The dinner date, however, requires an additional payment of ¥9,000 (~USD77.68).

Details of what happens if the advisor deems you unsuitable are not specified on the machine, and we can only guess that these details will be made available to you when you meet with your advisor.

Should everything go smoothly and you plan to get married with your date, MAP will charge an extra fee of ¥300,000 (~USD2,617.01) for successfully helping you find true love.

Japan’s vending machine culture

Walk down any street in Japan and you will come across at least one vending machine. According to CBS News, the ratio of vending machines to people in Japan is 1:30, which means that Japan has the highest density of vending machines in the world.

Besides drinks and snacks, Japan’s vending machines also sell unique and bizarre items ranging from jewellery to insects.

Tokyo love vending machine - mystery box vending machine
Image adapted from: @tsukuba_kandaya

Tokyo vending machine sells love

For now, the “love” vending machine has only been spotted in Kamata, Tokyo, and MAP does not have a website detailing further information about their machines. Whether they plan to expand into other cities and how many love vending machines are available are questions that remain unknown. Since MAP is only officially starting the operation in March 2022, perhaps more details about the vending machines will be available then.

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Cover image adapted from: @kumonnojuza, @K_uber_stock