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Japanese Artist Creates Miniature Models Of Rooms In Walls, Gives The Illusion That He Has Tiny Roommates

Japanese miniature artist Mozu

Even though the proverb “walls have ears” is used to mean that others might be eavesdropping, rather than saying that there are actual people listening within the walls, the models of rooms within walls crafted by Japanese miniature artist Mozu may make you think otherwise.

The secret miniature world of Mozu

japanese miniature artist mozu - room in the wall
Image credit:

Mozu, who goes by @rokubunnnoichi on Twitter, is a Japanese artist who creates intricate miniature dioramas using paper, clay, small LED lights – amongst other materials – and places them in walls.

japanese miniature artist mozu - hand in room
Image credit:

japanese miniature artist mozu - japanese-style room in wall
Image credit:

These rooms are so intricately made that it seems like tiny people actually live in them. Because of the hyperrealistic miniature furniture and objects in these models, sometimes it seems like we are the giants.

japanese miniature artist mozu - exhibition
Image credit:

If you feel bummed out at not being able to enter these beautifully designed miniature rooms, consider visiting Mozu’s limited-time exhibitions, where there are life-sized replicas of his works.

japanese miniature artist mozu - the dwarf door
The Dwarf Door
Image adapted from: @rokubunnnoichi and mozu-exhibition

At these exhibitions, you can purchase his limited-edition merchandise, such as The Dwarf Door sticker (¥3,000, ~USD27.29). Stick it on your wall to create the illusion that someone tiny is living with you.

Mozu’s regular merchandise can be ordered online via his official website.

Video credit: Mozuのミニチュア制作記

Besides crafting miniature dioramas, Mozu also does stop motion animation of miniature characters.

Watch the creation process on YouTube

Video credit: Mozuのミニチュア制作記

You can watch Mozu build his miniature dioramas from scratch on his YouTube channel. From the videos, you can also see the amount of effort he puts into these miniature models.

Keep up with Japanese miniature artist Mozu

Check out his official exhibition website for updates on future exhibitions, and follow him on Twitter to see more of his latest creations.

Mozu’s next exhibition will begin on 9th October 2021 in Nagoya, and you can purchase tickets on the event’s website.

Address: 1 Chome−14−25 Terepia, Nagoya, Higashi Ward, Higashisakura, 461-0005 Aichi
Opening hours: 10AM-4PM (Weekdays) | 10AM-5PM (Weekends)
Admission: Online pre-order tickets cost ¥1,000 (~USD9.10) for adults and ¥500 (~USD4.55) for middle schoolers and below. Pre-order special couple tickets cost ¥1,800 (~USD16.38). Tickets will be priced at ¥1,200 (~USD10.92) for adults and ¥600 (~USD5.46) for middle schoolers and below once the event officially commences.

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Cover image adapted from: mozu-exhibition and mozu-exhibition