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We Ranked 15 Jujutsu Kaisen Characters According To Their Simpability

Best Jujutsu Kaisen characters 

Jujutsu Kaisen characters have been ranked according to their strength and their popularity, but who are the best characters we can simp and lay down our lives for? When it comes to simp-ability, we considered the characters according to both their outer and inner aesthetics, as well as their embodied character tropes.

1. Gojō Satoru

best jujutsu kaisen characters - gojo satoru
Image credit: MAPPA

Gojō Satoru – also known as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer – is the top character to simp for in Jujutsu Kaisen

best jujutsu kaisen characters - gojo satoru chibi
Image credit: MAPPA

His signature black blindfold shrouds his character in mystery, which only increases his appeal when he takes them off and reveals his beautiful crystal blue eyes.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - gojo satoru eyes
Image credit: MAPPA

best jujutsu kaisen characters - gojo satoru scary
Image credit: MAPPA

His unrivalled strength and confidence perfectly complements his cuter and kinder side, making him the perfect character to simp for as he can both protect and care for you.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - miwa kasumi loves gojo satoru
Also us when we meet Gojō
Image credit: MAPPA

Even Miwa Kasumi – a second-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu High, simps for Gojō and can barely contain her emotions when she’s in the same room as him.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - gojo satoru beautiful
Image credit: MAPPA

Though Gojō ranked third place in the manga’s 1st Character Popularity Poll, we still think that he is that most simp-able character in Jujutsu Kaisen.

2. Itadori Yūji

best jujutsu kaisen characters - itadori yuji smile
Image credit: MAPPA

Itadori Yūji is the main protagonist who becomes Sukuna’s vessel after eating one of his fingers. Being a fan-favourite, he is also ranked high on our simp list. 

best jujutsu kaisen characters - itadori yuji strong
Image credit: MAPPA

Itadori shows many charms, including being physically strong – which means that he is able to carry you off into the sunset bridal style.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - itadori yuji funny
Image credit: MAPPA

His strong desire for helping others, coupled with his great sense of humour, is enough to knock fans off their feet.

3. Megumi Fushiguro

best jujutsu kaisen characters - megumi fushiguro
Image credit: MAPPA

Megumi Fushiguro – our stoic yet kind king, also ranks high on our simp-ability list.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - megumi fushiguro shikigami
Image credit: MAPPA

His jujutsu ability, which allows him to use shadows to create shikigami that will fight with him, matches his overall sombre vibes and personality.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - megumi fushiguro smile
Image credit: MAPPA

Despite his often nonchalant appearance, Megumi really cares about the people around him, so much so that he chose to save Itadori even at the cost of his own life.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - megumi fushiguro blush
Image credit: MAPPA

His moments of vulnerability – especially when he blushes – will never fail to make fans simp for him.

4. Sukuna

best jujutsu kaisen characters - sukuna
Image credit: MAPPA

Despite not even being human, Sukuna, the special grade “King of Curses”, is still simp-able.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - sukuna scary
Image credit: MAPPA

Don’t we all love evil characters who are definitely toxic in real life, but are permissible because they are fictional? 

best jujutsu kaisen characters - sukuna domain
Image credit: MAPPA

Sukuna is known to be immoral, arrogant, extremely powerful, but also extremely sadistic. Props to you if that’s your kink, we guess?

best jujutsu kaisen characters - sukuna as itadori yuji
Image credit: MAPPA

Sukuna’s charm arises from the fact that his appearance is basically a wilder, more evil-looking version of Itadori. If you are big on masochism, he might just be the best character to simp for. This is a no kink-shaming zone. 

5. Zen’in Maki

best jujutsu kaisen characters - maki zenin
Image credit: MAPPA

Maki Zen’in is a strong-headed queen who, despite her lack of cursed energy, can still hold her own against cursed energy users easily.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - maki zenin no glasses
Image credit: MAPPA

Because of her lack of cursed energy, Maki makes up for it with her overwhelming physical prowess.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - maki zenin hot
Image credit: MAPPA

She needs to wear glasses imbued with cursed energy to be able to see curses. But with or without them, she gives off a polished look and an “older sister” vibe.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - maki zenin pouting
Image credit: MAPPA

Her family had regarded Maki and her twin sister, Mai, as the black sheep of their esteemed clan, given their lack of cursed energy. Maki, wanting to prove her family wrong, sought to become a powerful jujutsu sorcerer and eventually become the head of her clan despite her lack of cursed energy. If that’s not inspirational, we don’t know what is. 

6. Nanami Kento

best jujutsu kaisen characters - nanami kento
Image credit: MAPPA

Nanami Kento is a grade one jujutsu sorcerer who used to be a salaryman with a hatred of working overtime.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - nanami kento no glasses
Image credit: MAPPA

Despite his stern appearance, Nanami is actually sociable, and he even allows his friends to call him by a cute pet name – Nanamin. 

best jujutsu kaisen characters - nanami kento hates working
Image credit: MAPPA

Nanami decided to leave his company because he felt that his work was never appreciated or significant enough to be of help to anyone. He returned as a jujutsu sorcerer as he is able to help expel curses from those around him.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - nanami kento hot
Image credit: MAPPA

On top of his unique personality, fans can also appreciate his defined features and chiselled jawline, as well as how ikemen (good-looking) he can be without his glasses.

7. Inumaki Toge

best jujutsu kaisen characters - inumaki toge
Image credit: MAPPA

Inumaki is a cursed speech user who “can only speak in rice ball ingredients” to avoid hurting himself and those around him. If he were to speak normally, he could inadvertently compel others. 

His appeal lies in his cuteness when he says “salmon”, “kelp”, or “fish flakes” in lieu of actual sentences to respond to his friends.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - inumaki toge face
Image credit: MAPPA

His jujutsu ability makes both his enemies and allies alike fearful as it is almost impossible to counteract his power if they don’t know that it’s coming.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - inumaki toge scary
Image credit: MAPPA

best jujutsu kaisen characters - inumaki toge don't move
Image credit: MAPPA

Inumaki’s jujutsu ability has also stopped a special grade curse – Hanami – in its tracks multiple times. His fearsome ability, paired with his cute personality, is what makes him so special and simp-able.

8. Kugisaki Nobara

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kugisaki nobara
Image credit: MAPPA

Kugisaki Nobara is an admirable character who is absolutely worth simping for.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kugisaki nobara technique
Image credit: MAPPA

Her confidence in herself, in being both strong and beautiful, tells us that she knows her worth and refuses to let anybody bring her down.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kugisaki nobara scary
Image credit: MAPPA

Her mental fortitude, as well as her physical strength, allows her to be on par with her first-year male counterparts Itadori and Megumi.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kugisaki nobara cute
Image credit: MAPPA

Despite her brash personality, Kugisaki also has a kind and caring side, though she hides it very well from others. Whenever she gracefully smiles or blushes, which is a very rare sight, fans are sure to swoon over her.

9. Geto Suguru

best jujutsu kaisen characters - geto sugeru
Image credit: MAPPA

Getō Suguru is a curse user who was expelled from Jujutsu High and is currently allied with the special curses.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - geto sugeru beach
Image credit: MAPPA

Getō’s peaceful expressions do not match with his antagonistic role in the anime, given that not much is revealed about him yet. However, in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Getō’s personality and backstory will be more fleshed out since he is the main antagonist in the movie.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - geto sugeru one eye open
Image credit: MAPPA

For now, we can just simp over his buddhist monk aesthetic and strong daddy vibes.

10. Miwa Kasumi

best jujutsu kaisen characters - miwa kasumi blushing
Image credit: MAPPA

Despite being a simp for Gojō-sensei herself, Miwa Kasumi is a earnest, kind-hearted girl that we can all appreciate and simp for.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - miwa kasumi relaxed
Image credit: MAPPA

Standing out with her pale blue coloured hair, Miwa is the embodiment of femininity and grace.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - miwa kasumi simple domain
Image credit: MAPPA

Her jujutsu ability – simple domain – stands out from the rest of the sorcerers, showing her agility and ability to counter her opponents’ attacks.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - miwa kasumi kind
Image credit: MAPPA

Miwa is especially kind to others and she did not agree with the plan of killing Itadori. As such, she even apologised to Maki about it. She is also a hardworking jujutsu sorcerer who strives to earn enough money in order to support her two younger brothers.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - miwa kasumi shocked
Image credit: MAPPA

Being the most “normal” among the sorcerers around her, Miwa is not only beautiful but also relatable to fans.

11. Kamo Noritoshi

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kamo noritoshi
Image credit: MAPPA

Kamo Noritoshi is one of the lesser known characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, despite his charming appearance and skillful jujutsu ability. 

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kamo noritoshi cool
Image credit: MAPPA

Kamo is a third-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu High who specialises in blood manipulation techniques.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kamo noritoshi bow and arrow
Image credit: MAPPA

He is so proficient at using the bow and arrow that you may just get a shot at love with him. By applying his jujutsu technique to his arrows, he is able to change their trajectory after firing.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - kamo noritoshi blood technique
Video adapted from: MAPPA

Though a rather underrated character in Jujutsu Kaisen, his calm disposition and stern leadership makes him easy to simp for. The way he manipulates blood and uses it to enhance his combat abilities shows us a different and more crazed side to him than what we are normally used to.

12. Zen’in Mai

best jujutsu kaisen characters - mai zenin
Image credit: MAPPA

Zen’in Mai is Maki’s twin sister, and she’s currently a second-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu High.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - mai zenin smug
Image credit: MAPPA

Her haughty appearance and rude attitude may scare people off initially, but we know that it’s because of her childhood trauma stemming from being hated by her own family and left alone by Maki despite their promise to stay together.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - mai zenin gun
Image credit: MAPPA

best jujutsu kaisen characters - mai zenin snipe
Image credit: MAPPA

Despite her lack of cursed energy, Mai makes up for it with her incredible sharpshooter abilities. Mai is not only adept at hitting her targets from afar with a sniper-like precision by using a handgun, but she also looks suave while doing so. 

13. Tōdō Aoi

best jujutsu kaisen characters - todo aoi
Image credit: MAPPA

Tōdō, or perhaps better as Itadori’s “best friend”, is an eccentric, fighting-obsessed third-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu High. 

best jujutsu kaisen characters - todo aoi 530000 IQ
Image credit: MAPPA

Besides his unparalleled physical strength and aptitude for fighting, Tōdō claims that he has an IQ of 530,000, which, if even remotely true, makes him both the brain and the brawn.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - todo aoi clap technique
Image credit: MAPPA

Although eccentric – or perhaps because of his eccentric personality – Tōdō is a character who is definitely simp-able.

14. Okkotsu Yūta

best jujutsu kaisen characters - okkotsu yuta
Image credit: MAPPA

Okkotsu Yūta is a second-year student at Jujutsu High who is currently training overseas and is often spoken highly of by his classmates. He apparently singlehandedly dominated the 2017 Goodwill Event due to his overwhelming strength.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - okkotsu yuta with rika
Image adapted from: TOHO animation チャンネル

Despite his fierce appearance shown in his short appearances in the anime, he is portrayed as a timid character in the prequel, Jujutsu Kaisen 0.

Though not much has been revealed about him in the anime series yet, Yūta still has the potential to be a simp-able character as his glow-up from “baby” to “daddy” leaves fans hungry for more. 

15. Takada Nobuko

best jujutsu kaisen characters - takada nobuko
Image credit: MAPPA

Takada Nobuko is a popular Japanese idol whom Tōdō absolutely adores.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - takada nobuko in todo aoi's dream
Image credit: MAPPA

She is seen energetically interacting with her fans during her fan meets and will not hesitate to carry out her fans’ requests.

best jujutsu kaisen characters - takada nobuko's taka tan beam
Video adapted from: MAPPA

When she meets Tōdō, she shakes his hand and performs her signature “Taka-tan Beam” move for him.

Though she doesn’t get much screen time, her adorable personality still shines through, landing her the last – but no less important – spot on the list.

Best Jujutsu Kaisen characters to simp for

Jujutsu Kaisen characters are not only lovable, but also extremely simp-able. Besides the characters’ ravishing appearances – Gojō-sensei in particular – they all have unique traits and developed backstories that make the average fan fall in love over and over again.

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Cover image adapted from: MAPPA