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Gujo Hachiman: Quaint Riverside Town In Gifu With Koi Fish Swimming In Their Drains

Gujo Hachiman

Gujo Hachiman (郡上八幡) is charming little town in Gifu Prefecture, and it’s known as the Water City because of how clean the water in their channels are. Being a quiet riverside town, Gujo Hachiman makes for a perfect destination for those looking for a place to truly relax.

Known as the Water City

gujo hachiman - town
Image credit: @yamamo___gram

gujo hachiman - water channels
Image credit: @gujo_hachiman_japan

Dubbed the “Water City”, Gujo Hachiman has a network of water channels that have been in use since the 17th century. The water from their drains and channels are so clean that locals often use it to do their laundry or wash their rice and vegetables.

gujo hachiman - koi fish
Image adapted from: @g.kk.f

In fact, some waterways even have koi fish living in them, so do look out for the beautiful fish swimming in the drains when you take a leisurely stroll through the town.

Beautiful sights from the castle, river & streets

gujo hachiman - castle
Image credit: @fooooociiiiiiijanuary052

Gujo Hachiman’s most popular attraction is the beautiful castle that sits atop a hill overlooking the entire town. Visitors get a different view of the castle depending on the season as the colour of the greenery surrounding it changes.

gujo hachiman - yoshida river
Image credit:

There is a river that runs through the town where the locals often play, swim, and dive into during the summer. However, do be cautious about following suit as the currents are fast and the water levels are always changing.

Food replicas at Gujo Hachiman

gujo hachiman -food replicas
Image adapted from: Lombroso

If you have ever been to Japan, you will have seen the mouth-watering food models displayed outside countless restaurants, enticing you to dine there. Well, according to Gujo Hachiman’s official tourism website, the town is responsible for approximately 70% of Japan’s production of these food models.

gujo hachiman - food replica workshops
Image credit: Gujo Hachiman

Some of the town’s biggest food replica companies even offer workshops for tourists to learn how to create these delectable treats. 

Getting to Gujo Hachiman

Gujo Hachiman is truly an amazing town that is more than just another pretty place for tourists to visit. Learn more about the town’s history and culture by taking your time to tour the area and experience what it’s like in a day of a local.

Getting there: Gujo is a 40-minute train ride (¥2,500, ~USD18.65) from Nagoya Station if you ride the Nagaragawa Railway.

Gujo Hachiman Tourist Information Center
Address: 520-1 Hachimancho Shimadani, Gujo, 501-4222 Gifu
Opening hours: 9AM-5PM, Daily
Telephone: 0575-67-0002

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Cover image adapted from: @yamamo___gram, Gujo Hachiman, and @g.kk.f